About Our Theme
This year’s theme is one of the many admonitions that St. Peter gave to his fellow elders in his letters, knowing that he would soon be putting off this body and that the final judgment was near along with the suffering that would precede it. If the final judgment was near for them, it is even nearer now, and the state of American Confessional Lutheranism seems much more precarious now than it did decades ago. The reports are concerning: aging congregations, churches declining and closing in record numbers, pastor shortages that for the near future will only get worse as we see many pastors retiring with fewer men seeking the office.
For this, our final Emmaus Conference, we have asked the three presidents of the old Synodical Conference to return one more time and present on an essential part of the Church, the pastoral office. As the presidents of their respective synods, they are pastors to pastors and congregations, and administrators of institutions. All of them have served as pastors of congregations. They know the challenges the Church faces both from the local congregational perspective as well as the larger synodical scene. They know the challenges that come from inside sinful man, from laity and called workers, from educational institutions which are maintained in order to raise up the next generations in the Church. They also know the challenges from outside the Church, from society in general, from governments (local, state, and national), etc.
From 2011 to 2013, we first invited the presidents from the old Synodical Conference synods (Presidents Matthew Harrison, John Moldstad, Jr., and Mark Schroeder) to present at The Emmaus Conference. (In January of 2020, the Lord took Pres. Moldstad to rest from his labors while in office and Vice President Glenn Obenberger, a former chairman of The Emmaus Conference, succeeded him to the presidency of the ELS.) Since 2012, in large part due to the initial invitations to present at The Emmaus Conference, the presidents and other synodical representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), and Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) have met on an informal basis to discuss matters of doctrine and challenges for each synod.
The Rev. President Glenn Obenberger
Shepherding the Sheep:
What Laity Need to Hear
Of what do the laity of the Church need to be reminded regarding their roles as hearers, faithfully gathering around the Means of Grace in a reverent Divine Service; honoring their shepherds; supporting the Lord’s workers (not only in compensation, but in prayers and encouragement and freeing them to do what their office actually requires [limiting/eliminating from his responsibilities things that a pastor does not need to do); sharing the Gospel with the next generations, with those in their immediate spheres of influence, and with those abroad; being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and respect; not being surprised at suffering trials; encouraging young men to consider the office of the public ministry?
The Presenter
Pres. Obenberger is currently serving his 1st full term as president of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) (since 2021). Prior to this, he served as the senior pastor of Parkland Lutheran Church and School for 34 years, while serving as the ELS vice president for 23 years. He and his wife, Lisa, have four grown children and 5 grandchildren.
The Rev. President Mark Schroeder
Shepherding the Shepherds:
What Pastors Need to Hear
What do the pastors of the Church need to be reminded of regarding their roles as preachers/seelsorgers/shepherds; faithfully studying, proclaiming, and dividing the Word of Truth and administering the Sacraments according to the Lord’s institution; conducting the Divine Service in an orderly and reverent way; sharing the Gospel with catechumens and preparing them for a lifetime of theological learning? How should they prepare for the constant barrage of calls that many receive (every six months) and still try to concentrate on the work at hand in their congregations?
The Presenter
Pres. Schroeder is currently serving his third term as the President of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) (since 2007). Before this he served as the president of Northwestern Preparatory School and its successor Luther Preparatory School (high schools for the preparation of those desiring to be pastors and teachers) in Watertown, WI for 18 years. He and his wife Andrea have four grown children and six grandchildren.
The Rev. President Dr. Matthew Harrison
Shepherding the Synods:
What Synods and Their Institutions Need to Hear
What do the synods and their institutions need to hear regarding maintaining faithfulness to the Church’s confession and practices in an ever-changing social environment; working in the kingdoms of the left and right has its philosophical and practical struggles, struggling to survive, let alone thrive, in a culture that is more openly hostile? How does a synod practically develop and maintain its doctrinal and outward unity when so much “variety” has cropped up in her midst?
The Presenter
President Harrison is currently serving his fifth term as the President of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (since 2010) and an assistant pastor of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, MO. Before serving as president, he served for nine years as executive director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care. He currently serves as chairman of the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg and of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty and services on the executive committee of the International Lutheran Council. He and his wife, Kathy, have two grown sons and one granddaughter.
Questions? Send an email to emmausconf@gmail.com