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Checks may be made out to The Emmaus Conference.

You can pay at the door or send them to:

The Emmaus Conference
c/o Parkland Lutheran Church
120 123rd St. South
Tacoma, WA 98444


The purpose of The Emmaus Conference is to provide an opportunity for Christians and interested others in the Pacific Northwest to gather together for learning and discussion. The Conference is dedicated to declaring the truths of God’s Holy Word as they are explained in the Book of Concord of 1580 and will make every effort to conform to that explanation because it agrees with Holy Scripture. As a result, The Emmaus Conference seeks to carry on the spirit of the Lutheran free conferences of the previous two centuries as a way by which the truth of God’s Law and Gospel might be proclaimed for the glory of God and the good of all.


As this is a confessional Lutheran free conference, each of the speakers and reactors will be chosen from among those pastors, professors and teachers who subscribe unconditionally to the Lutheran Confessions because (quia) they are in agreement with the Holy Scriptures. This will allow a common foundation for the presentations and reactions which will make the ensuing discussion fruitful and truly a righteous endeavor. Therefore the promotion of false doctrine and non-Christian ideas and practices by the presenters will not be allowed.

The purpose of this conference is not to air or resolve all the differences that exist between individuals and synods. Rather it is for an open discussion based upon the Holy Word of God as it has been confessed by the historic Lutheran Church to assist all participants to grow in their theological aptitude, clarity of thought and modes of expression.